There may be lag and other kinds of discrepancies but in that case you can head over to the graphics settings I added over to the HELP section in the menu. it is not recommended to play on mobile, but can run decently.


specifically made for the GDevelop Game Jam #3.

In this game, you control 2 detaching squares

which slide against a vertical line. Controls

are as follows:

 - Hop

This action is performed by tapping or clicking

when both squares are not airborne or jumping.

 - Leap

This action is performed by holding down on the

screen or computer mouse to buffer another jump

consecutively after another jump.


 - Forced direction

This powerup will force your next jump to be performed

on the side of which the arrow is pointing.

 - Orb

This powerup will force your next jump to have full power.

At the end of a level, you have 2 directions to

split off to, swiping in a L/R direction on a

touchscreen will decide which path to split off

to. Alternatively, for computer users, A is for

left, and D is for right.

I think if i were to have joined the Jam on time,

I would have added way more gameplay features.

I rushed the level design :L

Programming - Blahooga (me)

+ FPS Extension by @Ahnaf30e

+ Is On Screen Extension by

@Bouh, @Silver-Streak and @VictrisGames

Art - Blahooga (me)

+ Free GDevelop Asset Store stuff

Music - Blahooga (me)

SFX design - Blahooga (me)

There were some tracks that had to be scrapped due to lack of time.




Medibang Paint

FL Studio Mobile


JAM-1_0_0-windows (1).zip 105 MB


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Ok, it's brilliant. Not just the game. The way you did everything from sound effects to menu. I can't actually play it on pc because I use mouse left handed so the a d keys are too awkward to be scrabbling around looking for, but thankfully you have touchscreen support. Great work on it!


I highly appreciate your compliments! Reading on your full comment I am reminded of the importance of making a wide range of keybind motion. It was something n I was supposed to get around to adding in this project, but forgot with pressure of working on it at 3AM before the deadline lol