This game was created in the span of 9 days to be submitted to the GDevelop 3D Game Jam!

Navigate across 4 scenes of red cars to reach your blue car.

Do this by running, jumping, dashing, and lifting.

Link to GD Games page: game build


KBM - WASD movement, Left Shift to sprint, Space to jump/ability

Gamepad - Left stick to move, LT/L2 to sprint, Action button to jump/ability


You can't jump while on a moving platform.. but you can with the double jump ability

Abilities can stack, use 'em when you need to

Vehicles on the same path as you will slow down when you're hit

Faster cars deal more damage


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Seems like the mouse won't focus on the game at all. Can't use a gamepad either. Not sure if this has to do with the browser i'm using but it's not playable at all sadly :(

Using edge

That's VERY weird. I think this is because I used the "Is molbile device" somewhere and forgot to remove it. It works completely fine for me and my friends who also use Edge like you and I. How "Mobile" is your computer? If you can and wouldn't mind to, you can try on a desktop or other laptop computer :P (I use a laptop)

I'm trying to play it on a desktop PC! 

(1 edit)

awe. Well I’m sorry it won’t work. I wonder if it has to do with something about the Pointer Lock extension. How far can you get until it soft locks? Before the gameplay?

apologies for the late response! pretty much as soon as the game starts. once i click on begin the game that's pretty much where it ends for me.